Feeding Children!!!

Happy New Year to all of you!  Today I share a very necessary facet of educating our students…..Feeding them!!!!

All of our children come from homes that experience severe food insufficiency.  School meals are vital to their health as well as their ability to learn.  Your donations provide the only meals they regularly receive.

We have lovely cooks at our schools who prepare and serve meals in huge quantities for our many students.

In Kenya the main staple is maize, made into a “stew” of veggies and beans called “githeri”, or ground up and cooked into a stiff doughy starch called “ugali”.  In India, the main side is rice.  We cook 25 kilos of rice for every 500 children!

Your donor dollars ensure that our students can be healthy as they attend school.  Food is Watumull Children’s biggest expense, but watching our children grow sturdier as they grow in knowledge is a great joy!  Thank you for making this thriving happen!


P.s.  because we buy wholesale and keep the menu basic , your dollars go very far!!!  Only $20.00 of rice will generously feed 500 of our kids!!!

If you’d like to learn more about our work, read our story here.

You can also reach out to us by filling out a contact form.


Bethany Joy School is Officially Opened!